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Professional Customer Service in practice. Interdisciplinary 2-days workshops related to improving customer service in the organization. Learn how to build a relationship with your client!

Typ szkolenia

On behalf of the experts of the SEMPER Training Organization and Conference Center, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the open training:


Grupa docelowa


Employees responsible for external and internal customer service in the organization.
All people interested in expanding their knowledge and acquiring practical skills to build and maintain professional relationships with the client.

Cel szkolenia


The aim of the training is to provide participants with knowledge and practical skills of professional customer service and to present how important it is to build and maintain relationships with the client from the perspective of the entire organization.
The training will focus on the following areas:
• proper representation of the organization in contacts with clients;
• adjusting the methods of service to the type of customer;
• coping in contact with a demanding client;
• maintaining professional relationships with the client.


Korzyści dla uczestników


The "Professional Customer Service in practice. Interdisciplinary 2-days workshops related to improving customer service in the organization. Learn how to build a relationship with your client!" is very interactive with many examples, discussion,analysis, and hands-on small group exercises.
During the training, participants will gain knowledge and practical skills in the areas of:
• understanding clients' motives of acting,
• being in the role of a customer,
• diagnosing strengths and development areas in contact with clients,
• ability to build relationships with customers,
• using the language of benefits in contact with customers.



Szkolenie stacjonarne

Working methods during face to face training:

As the first training institution in Poland, we make sure that open training is also tailored to the expectations and work style of participants! Individualisation of training - thanks to participation in such training, participants achieve the level of competences and skills expected by the employer.

Classes are conducted using the workshop method based on the activation of training participants through work in small groups, group discussions and exercises, case studies, genre scenes, individual work, simulations and mini-lectures with a discussion of real-life examples and a multimedia presentation. The subject of the course are real difficulties taking into account the specificity of a given industry as well as the needs and capabilities of people participating in the workshops. Participants learn through experience, practice different situations and have the possibility of individual consultations. Learning through creativity, flexibility and personal experience is the most effective form of acquiring new skills.

Depending on the date and location, the training is carried out by one of the indicated trainers.



Szkolenie on-line

Working methods during on-line training:

·         a convenient form of training - all you need is access to a device with the Internet (computer, tablet, phone), headphones or speakers and your favorite armchair

·         the training is carried out in a modern form in a virtual conference room and a small group of participants

·         the trainer conducts classes "live" - you see and hear him

·         You can see the presentation, surveys and exercises on your computer screen in real time

·         during the training, the trainer activates the participants by asking questions that can be answered in real time

·         you receive a certificate issued by one of the leading training companies in Poland

·         you have access to post-training consultations in the form of an e-mail up to 4 weeks after the training

·         you receive an individual rebate card entitling you to a 10% discount on all subsequent face to face and online training organized by the Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER

Program szkolenia


Program szkolenia stanowi prawnie chronioną własność intelektualną, a jego przetwarzanie, rozpowszechnianie lub korzystanie z niego bez wiedzy i zgody autora jest zabronione.

The training program is legally protected intellectual property, and its processing, distribution or use without the knowledge and consent of the author is prohibited.


I. The role of customer service in today's world
II. Professionalism in customer service as building an advantage over the competition.
III. Everyone is a client
IV. Customer expectations.
V. Customer service process.
1. Researching customer needs.
2. Presentation of the offer, proposals to meet the needs. Feature - benefit model.
3. Dispelling customer objections.
VI. Communication with customers - speaking the language of benefits
VII. Types of clients
VIII. Types of clients and the way of communicating with them
IX. Working with a demanding client
X. Contact with the customer:
1. Asking questions.
2. Paraphrasing.
3. Building a long-term relationship with the client.
4. First impression.
5. Providing information to the client.
XI. Features of a perfect salesman / customer advisor.
XII. Values in contact with customers - care, honesty, building customer satisfaction.


W przypadku szkolenia w formule on-line modyfikacji mogą ulec forma i sposób realizacji zaplanowanych dla Państwa ćwiczeń.


Informacje organizacyjne

Szkolenie stacjonarne

A few days before the event, we will contact you to ask about your expectations, previous experience and skills, which will allow us to partially adjust the training program to your needs.


·         the training lasts 2 days (16h)

·         classes take place between 10.00-18.00 on the first day and 09.00-17.00 on the second day

·         due to the workshop form of the training, the maximum number of participants is 15 people

·         the training program includes 2 coffee breaks and a 2-course lunch 

Day I
10:00 - start of training
12.00 - coffee break
14.00 - lunch break
16.00 - coffee break
18:00 - end of training
Day II
09:00 - start of training
11:00 - coffee break
13.00 - lunch break
15.00 - coffee break
17:00 - end of training


Szkolenie on-line

A few days before the event, we will contact you to ask about your expectations, previous experience and skills, which will allow us to partially adjust the training program to your needs.


the training lasts 2 days (12h in total) and you can participate in it from anywhere by joining a virtual conference room using a device with Internet access

·         classes take place between 09.00-15.00 each day according to the schedule:

Day I
09.00-10.30 - training
10.30-10.40 - break
10.40-12.00 - training
12.00-12.15 - break
12: 15-13.30 - training
13.30-13.40 - break
13.40-15.00 - training
Day II
09.00-10.30 - training
10.30-10.40 - break
10.40-12.00 - training
12.00-12.15 - break
12: 15-13.30 - training
13.30-13.40 - break
13.40-15.00 - training

Access to the virtual conference room will be sent to the e-mail address of the participant 7 days before begining of the training.

 Technical requirements: Computer, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet with a connection speed from 512 KB / sec.


Na kilka dni przed terminem wydarzenia skontaktujemy się z Państwem aby zapytać o Państwa oczekiwania, dotychczasowe doświadczenia i umiejętności, co pozwoli nam na częściowe dopasowanie programu szkolenia do Państwa potrzeb.

Harmonogram zajęć

·         szkolenie trwa 2 dni (łącznie 12h) i możesz w nim uczestniczyć z dowolnego miejsca dołączając do wirtualnego pokoju konferencyjnego wykorzystując urządzenie z dostępem do internetu

·         zajęcia odbywają się w godzinach 09.00-15.00 każdego dnia według harmonogramu:

Dzień I
Godz.10:30 -10.40 -przerwa
Godz. 10.40-12.00 -szkolenie
Godz.12.00-12.15 -przerwa
Godz.12:15-13.30 -szkolenie
Godz.13.30-13.40 -przerwa
Godz.13.40-15.00 -szkolenie
Dzień II
Godz.10:30 -10.40 -przerwa
Godz. 10.40-12.00 -szkolenie
Godz.12.00-12.15 -przerwa
Godz.12:15-13.30 -szkolenie
Godz.13.30-13.40 -przerwa
Godz.13.40-15.00 -szkolenie

Dostęp do wirtualnego pokoju konferencyjnego zostanie przesłany na adres e-mail Uczestnika szkolenia na 7 dni przed terminem jego rozpoczęcia.

Wymagania techniczne: Komputer, smartfon lub tablet podłączony do internetu z prędkością łącza od 512 KB/sek.



Szkolenie stacjonarne

1680.00zł netto (+23% VAT)

For budgetary units financing participation in the training at a minimum of 70% or entirely from public funds, the VAT rate = ex.
-price includes:
-participation in training,
-training materials [the participant's own manual, additional materials used during practical workshops]
-stationery [notebook, pen]
-diploma confirming completion of the training
-consultations after training
-Each Participant will receive an individual discount card entitling to a 10% discount on all subsequent open trainings organized by the Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER
-coffee and dinner services (does not include accommodation).

Training price with accommodation:
Training price for 1 person with accommodation for 1 night in a single room with breakfast and dinner: PLN 2130 net (+ 23% VAT) 

Szkolenie on-line

1580.00zł netto (+23% VAT)

For budgetary units financing participation in the training at a minimum of 70% or entirely from public funds, the VAT rate = ex.
-price includes:
-participation in on-line training
-electronic training materials
-certificate confirming completion of the training (in electronic or paper version)
-consultations after training
-10% discount on all subsequent open and on-line trainings organized by the Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER. 

Czas trwania
2 dni
Termin / Lokalizacja
  1. 24.03.2025 / Warszawa i Online 24-25/03
  2. 02.06.2025 / Warszawa i online 02-04/06
1680 zł netto
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Centrum Organizacji Szkoleń i Konferencji SEMPER
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